Social networks, news, and entertainment channels are all busy with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Many are watching war being broadcast live through their telephones: videos of tanks, missiles, planes, and soldiers, which look like they were taken from an action movie.
The experience of many people is that we have awakened to an absurd reality – how come in 2022, on peaceful European soil, for no apparent reason, we see once again, the horrors of war? And how does all this relate to our life in the 21st century, which already seemed so far from such scenarios, where one country decides one bright morning to occupy another country?
Surreal scenarios are brewing before our eyes: The European Broadcasting Union announces that it will not allow Russia to perform at the Eurovision Song Contest; a large porn site blocks access to Russians and invites them to condemn the invasion of Ukraine; Someone shares a video of a Russian tank purposely running over a car with no regard to the driver still inside (the driver was rescued safely). There are more and more sights that reach every home and reinforce the understanding that our world is in a constant tailspin, moving from one extreme event to another, all of which invite us to do soul-searching and introspection, wake up and ask ourselves what is happening here, right before our eyes.
The invasion of Ukraine is another piece of the puzzle, another part of a broad scenario, part of the great transition in which human civilization finds itself, where there is a power struggle between the old world and the new one seeking to be born.
We are in a time of transition, in which the whole world is being reshaped.
This transition does not take place in a void and is part of changing the entire playing field of Earth during the transition between ages.
It is a transition from a masculine, patriarchal era, representing the struggle for resources, ego, competitiveness, aspiration to conquer and achieve, aggressiveness, focusing on filling the self through materialism and consumerism, towards a new era, of a feminine quality that represents a desire for cooperation, mutual enrichment, tolerance, containment, subtle strength and connection to consciousness and spiritual inspiration, which fills the mind with satisfaction and purpose.
Putin and other authoritarian rulers who maintain undemocratic regimes represent the old era, which is breathing its last breaths.
These are aggressive, self-centered, violent rulers, full of male-ego, who aspire for recognition and admiration, and overthrow anything that stands in their way, out of arbitrariness and limited consciousness (a good example is the ridiculous picture of Putin sitting bare-chested on a horse, full of self-importance while trying to convey sexy masculinity…).
These leaders exploit their broad strategic vision to manipulate and create an influence that benefits their agenda, which is selfish, polarized, and exists under a glass ceiling.
The old world is a world of ego, masculinity (in its negative form), the pursuit of honor and power, competition, a desire to control and subdue, and a struggle for resources and hegemony. It is a world that is fluttering persistent and powerful dying breaths, thereby creating global upheavals, including the climate crisis, global warming, and Covid that has hit humanity wave after wave.
In the turmoil between the old and the new, we see buds of new leadership and new and holistic thinking, alongside a struggle of old-world leaders to preserve the existing order and to continue to hold control and hegemony.
This process takes place over a long period, in which democracies are undermined, the world map becomes dynamic and reality urges humanity to recognize the need to change norms, collective conventions, and habits, and understand that the time to save the planet is now!
The world is splitting into realities that exist side by side:
Some areas adapt to the new era and enter it with a willingness to create change and evolve to the next level. These are areas in the world where new norms, conventions, and a fresh worldview that breeds cooperation, reciprocity, mutual enrichment, freedom of expression, creativity, and unity, will quickly begin to emerge.
Alongside areas moving into the new age, some areas are in a tailspin, fluttering in a whirlpool of old energy. These are areas that will continue to operate according to distorted norms in which the reality of control, fear, violence, forcefulness, and a polarized and arbitrary perception will prevail, leading to the loss of personal freedom and life under the watchful eye of “Big Brother”.
The invasion of Ukraine represents a stage in the power struggle I have described. It is a stage in the transition between the old and new eras, and it is important to address it with the understanding that this is a course of action that represents a world that is ending. A move that has “positive” and “negative” consequences.
This move pushes for more collaborations and joining forces, and it accelerates processes of awakening to the importance of sharing information and resources.
It is important that we observe these processes and understand the comprehensive context in which they are occurring, thus understanding that things are neither “good” nor “bad”. We must recognize that reality is a product of choices, results, and consequences and that we agree to create change by acknowledging that power struggles based on violence, ego, desire for control, and appropriation – represent the old world that is dying in front of our eyes.
The power struggles between old and new, are represented each time by different players, who appear on the stage of our changing world.
At present, the players are Russia, under Putin’s leadership, representing the old world, which expresses acts of aggression, violence, manipulation, lies, one-sidedness, male-ego, arbitrariness, and intrusion, (while China supporting it and represents the trampling of human rights, widespread destruction, pollution of natural resources and economic imperialism). On the other hand, the United States, NATO Alliance, and other European countries seek to establish a different policy than the one existing thus far – one of transparency, information sharing, cooperation, joining forces, democracy, and actions representing the buds of the New World.
Players on both sides are playing a game that still operates under the old regularity and norms that need to be updated to the spirit of the times and the values of the new era.
For example: in 1994, Ukraine agreed to dismantle its nuclear arsenal. This is because the United States, Britain, and Russia have pledged to respect its independence and to refrain from using military force against it. And what is happening today? Who respects this agreement and protects Ukraine?
What is the point of creating international agreements if there are no universal values that all leaders are unequivocally committed to following, even when they change? What is the point of diplomacy-based contracts if the political instrument that creates and removes leaders crushes diplomacy with cruelty? How can the rise of leaders who endanger public peace and the peace of the planet be prevented?
In practice – we are all inhabitants of Earth, the family of humanity, who share a common destiny and a common home, part of the same universal unity. We are different but similar, from the same source. Ukraine is all of us.
The war in Ukraine undermines the existing order, and at the same time liberates people from the numbness and blindness of a world that has forgotten what wars are, and is immersed in reality tv, and the escapism offered by Instagram and silly TikTok challenges.
The war in Ukraine is making headlines, but it is important to remember that much of the destruction and violence is happening now not only in Ukraine but on a regular and ongoing basis, as part of the daily reality in regions of the world that many find less attractive and interesting. A neglected backyard, where the reality of life is violent and horrible.
When the war reaches Europe, for many people it becomes a reality show – a live war, which feels much closer and more threatening. Suddenly it feels close, personal, right in our front yard …
The exposure to this war is tremendous, and it is sweeping the media and social networks, bringing this war into almost every home.
This shows the ugliness, violence, fear, and absurdity, prevalent in the destruction and dismantling of human achievements and disregard for human life, in the name of false and biased values and a forceful aspiration for control over another nation.
This underscores the fact that still, in 2022, war, violence, force, destruction, and murder, are tools for changing reality and accumulating political, economic, and diplomatic achievements.
This high exposure on social and digital media has pros and cons.
On the one hand – a large number of posts on social networks creates a mix of information, some of which are true live reports and documentation of what is happening, and some of which is biased, lies, and falsified information designed to influence public opinion, shape the “truth” and “reality” according to interest and need, and to influence morale.
On the other hand – these posts, which reveal events in real-time, prevent the concealment and cover-up of information, bringing the war closer to the hearts and minds of a large public, which cannot ignore what is happening live before their eyes.
Social networks emphasize and illustrate that in war real people, just like those watching the war through the networks, are being harmed. This evokes empathy and solidarity, along with a sense of disgust from the violence presented without filters.
This war is taking place in several arenas at the same time: the actual arena on the ground, the political-diplomatic arena, and the consciousness arena.
Social media is part of the war on consciousness, and it can affect the other arenas, because public opinion has power and has an impact on global leadership.
But in my eyes, to do this a new leadership is required. A proactive leadership that leads the way, and not one that just reacts.
Many people around the globe are still looking towards the world leaders, hoping they will end the aggressive, violent, and unilateral act this war is creating.
In practice, leaders do not really offer new solutions and new thinking, but operate under a glass ceiling, creating more of the same while using the same tools and methods.
Some leaders have goodwill and pure intentions, while others are driven by distorted interests and biased values that represent the old era.
In practice, world leaders are still captive to international norms and conventions, trapped in a tangle of interests that perpetuate a reality of wars, power struggles, conflicts of interest, and a lack of holistic thinking in universal terms.
The leaders of humanity are required to be the ones who transcend ego and personal motives, leaders with a new consciousness and spirit, who allow them to see through the collective glass ceiling and offer a new horizon of possibilities for conduct.
We require leaders who can look at the future of humanity, not in terms of states, nations, and struggles for resources – but as a ship sailing through space, with all of us, as the human race on board, sharing the same destiny.
Are you familiar with the butterfly effect?
The rifle that fires in Ukraine affects each one of us. We must acknowledge this.
The reality unfolding before our eyes raises another question:
Does the political and diplomatic instrument still serve the benefit of humanity and the optimal path for human civilization, or has it become a network of webs that captures every goodwill and pure intention? A network of webs that eliminates any desire for innovative and groundbreaking conduct, a tangle of interests that capture and inhibit the possibility to generate changes in the balance of power that serves the old world?
The struggle between old and new is a struggle between world perceptions.
Between those addicted to power and money seeking to preserve the struggle for resources, separation by using identity politics, manipulation, capital-government ties, hypocrisy, and systems of concealment, maneuvering public opinion and engineering human consciousness to control and exploit humanity and the earth’s resources – and between those who seek to evoke new priorities that hold holistic thinking, a recognition that we are part of the same whole, connected to each other, influencing each other. These are leaders who strive for transparency, seeking to empower truth and integrity in a manner that prepares and mentors humans to become active partners in creating a reality of peace, mutual enrichment, and harmony.
We are not detached from the process I describe, because we too, here, in our daily lives, witness or share all the ills of the old world: identity politics, nationalism, racism, aggression, violence, quarreling, manipulation and lies, unfulfilled promises, unjustified hatred, partisanship, segregation, lack of responsibility, violence, blindness, and more and more.
Each of our actions defines in which world we choose to live:
In the old, conflicted, ignorant, and violent world, where we fight each other and destroy ourselves and the earth, or in the new world, where we cooperate, and through our intelligence and awareness nurture and enrich each other and save the earth.
It is important that we recognize that we are all partners in shaping the collective reality and to illustrate this I will give you an example.
Try to think of the reality in which we now live, like a ship about to sink, tilting to one side, in a sharp and dangerous way.
This tilt is caused by ongoing conduct, which perpetuates trends of self-destruction and closed-circle movement, in which more and more of the same thing is done, gradually sinking the ship with all its passengers.
Self-extinction is the result of everything I wrote in previous chapters: the collective norms and conventions that give legitimacy to resource exhaustion, competition, aggression, a dominant male ego that conquest of cultures and nations, continuous exploitation of nature, and the mining of the resources of the human spirit and manipulation of consciousness, that perpetuates blindness, separation, and unjustified hatred.
Now, try to imagine that all the passengers of the ship, take proactive action, cooperating to move to the opposite side, beginning to create a counterforce that returns the ship to equilibrium.
Today, in the state of emergency we are in, the ship’s tilt is in the direction of masculine, combative, violent, conquering, aggressive energy, which holds competition, self-glorification, selfishness, a desire to control, aggressiveness, possessiveness, and a lack of holistic thinking.
We, as a human species, are required to tilt the ship in the opposite direction and cultivate feminine energy, which is containing, enables cooperation, nourishment, and mutual enrichment. A female quality, which brings comprehensive vision and holistic thinking, which holds love and kindness, benevolence, an enlightened heart and strength, integrity and authenticity. A female quality that knows how to lead, influence, and change trends on the world stage, by the force of the realization that we are all from the same source.
The ability to create change is in the hands of each one of us because we are all required to rebalance this huge ship that is our home, our planet, together.
We can do this in everyday actions, which hold the choice of a new consciousness and the release of old conventions and distorted norms in favor of new values and a lifestyle that reflects them.
We can do this by choosing leaders and policies that represent the new world, by agreeing to formulate a universal identity and preferring it to a local and national identity.
We can do this by renouncing practices that represent the old world.
We can do this from a sense of universal brotherhood and the creation of global public opinion, shifting the weight towards new trends that lead to a new worldview, changing market forces, and establishing political and social power that is based on new values.
We can do this by filtering the information we consume while echoing a new consciousness and spirit, in all the channels and social networks that create public opinion.
We can do this by collaborating and paying attention to the trends we want to cultivate and empower which represent the energy and consciousness of containment, nourishment, acceptance, consciousness growth and the nurturing of the human spirit, and a sustainable lifestyle.
We can do this out of solidarity with Ukraine and all that it represents within the broad processes taking place, presenting us with a choice: what future do we want to create?
We can look at history in retrospect, and we can also influence the formation of history while it happens in the here and now.
We must do this out of loyalty to the values that represent the female energy I have described.
It is important not to become captive of power struggles and the categorization of things as “good” or “bad,” which brings forth unjustified hatred, quarrels, and an absolute carved-in-stone worldview. This is because, within actions designed to create change, people can easily dedicate themselves to struggle, thus inadvertently becoming an exact reflection of the enemy they are fighting.
The climate crisis, the coronavirus, the invasion of Ukraine, are all part of the milestones in a reality that is rapidly changing before our eyes, in the power struggle between old and new.
Will we succeed together, in global cooperation, to balance the ship, sailing it to a safe haven?
Will we choose the path of strength and validity which are expressed with kindness and an enlightened heart?
Will we choose universal values and shift the weight and attention towards cultivating the new?
Will we succeed in shaping a public opinion that becomes the new leadership?
I believe that we have the ability to influence and that what we create is what shall become.