Part 1: The Search
Do you know those who are in a constant search?
A search for the next project to fill them with a sense of achievement and worthiness…
A search for the ultimate and ideal love…
A search for the next challenge to fill them with excitement…
A search for answers and inspiration in remote districts…
A search for a purpose…
And more and more searches that the human psyche produces.
The tendency to search often stems from the inability to contain both life and the self, which is a result of a state in which one does not live in peace with themselves, and experiences a sort of an inner hole they want to fill.
Thus, the experience of constant search directs the person’s attention and mental energy towards something remote and unreachable, which provides a sense of meaning and aliveness that assists to relieve a little the experience of existential pain, frustration, or emptiness.
In many other cases, the constant search in remote places stems from a lack of recognizing that all answers are found right under the nose.
These are situations where people do not know to appreciate what exists in their life, what is accessible and available, since they hold a limiting perception that achievements emanate from struggle, and answers can be found only in distant places.
The constant search in distant places keeps people away from the ability to be present in their life since they focus their attention on longing for something theoretical, remote, and unachievable.
The search outside- blurs the acknowledgment that all answers already exist within…
As a result, people avoid realizing what exists in their life and do not emanate from all there is, towards self-discovery and evolvement.
Occasionally, the constant search indicates a fear to create concrete movement towards fulfillment and realization because of the fear of failing.
This leads to a life of constant search, which keeps the person in a theoretical, distant, and unreachable world, while in fact all the answers and means exist and just await the moment of awakening and the acknowledgment that all you have been searching for is within an arm’s reach.
How to cope with that?
When you identify that you turn to search just to escape daring and acting – simply create a proactive movement that stems from all that exists in your life.
Be attentive, awake, and sensitive to identify the answers and opportunities that exist right under your nose.
Do not get accustomed to what exists in your life, but nurture it with an understanding that this is the base from which you grow.
Do not search far away – just look closely around you (this applies to your consumption habits as well).
Change the limited perception which determines that what is accessible and close to you isn’t valuable, and what is distant and unachievable is worth much more.
And mainly – keep nurturing your Active Awareness, dare to dream, and realize your dreams in practice.
Part 2: No one is a prophet in their own land
As said in the previous part, all the answers and means exist, and available, and just wait for the acknowledgment that everything is found within an arm’s reach.
The survival mentality, the competitiveness and the desire for achievements embedded in human society lead to that, that the human psyche is used to fight in order to achieve something, and holds a prejudice that it is required to struggle in order to feel valuable, because if you don’t need to make an effort to gain something – what does it worth?
This brings to degrading and devaluing what is accessible, present, and available, and at the same time to glorifying all that seems remote and unachievable.
This leads to a waste of resources spent on searching and trying to achieve something unachievable, while in fact, it is often possible to easily obtain reciprocal relations with what is accessible and just awaits to be noticed.
I know people that embark on journeys around the world just to find inspiration, answers to questions, and discover themselves, while in fact, they can embark on a profound journey that will change their lives, and can exist just one small step away…
There is a saying: ‘No one is a prophet in their own land’, describing someone who brings new ideas, and isn’t appreciated by their immediate environment, but only from distance.
To illustrate this, I’ll share with you a story that I have never shared before.
A friend told me this story, and each time I was reminded of it, it made me laugh out loud with uncontrollable bursts of laughter.
This friend told me about her acquaintance, who discovered the contents I write about and dive into contemplating the many long consciousness-packets (for consciousness and contemplation lovers). He thoroughly read the articles that bring awareness and insights, browsed through the transformation methodologies, read about the different healing methods, consumed the opinion columns, and basically went on a deep journey inside the different contents, with great eagerness.
With excitement and exhilaration, he called my friend, and his first question was:
Am I still alive?…
When my friend told him I was, his next question was:
Where does she live in the world?…
When he heard that I live in Israel and that I am still alive and kicking, he was extremely surprised, since his appreciation of the contents led to the conception that I must have already died or that I am far away and doesn’t live in Israel.
This made me laugh since it wonderfully emphasized the lack of ability to comprehend and grasp that something you have been looking for can be close, reachable, and valuable at the same time.
We can see this also in the world of art as well, where artists often don’t receive recognition in their lives, therefore live a life of struggle without proper funding, and only after their death, they are all of a sudden appreciated, glorified, and their work becomes a masterpiece.
A funny world, glorifying what is unreachable.
So here I am, living and breathing, and moving forward with you to the next chapter…
Part 3: How to overcome the flawed human logic?
Why does the human tendency lean towards appreciating what is unreachable and remote?
I find that this tendency often stems from a personal feeling of smallness.
The very odd thought that the human mind produces is:
‘I am small and meaningless’
The next step in this logical pattern:
‘If I am small, meaningless, and unworthy – it is impossible that something valuable will be accessible, achievable, and close to me’.
Following that logic the human mind (which admittedly, isn’t quite clever) continues with its logical arguments and brings another, and more foolish, logical inference:
‘If something is accessible, close, and easy for me to achieve – it means it is worthless!’
In fact, this attitude leads the person to maintain the sense of personal smallness and the feeling of lack of self-worth, along with diminishing and disrespecting others and lack of ability to see them in their true beauty and glory.
Those following this limited perception, sentence themselves to a life of searching in remote districts, missing out what is close and accessible and just awaits to be noticed, and constant experience of struggle and competition to achieve the unachievable.
Recommendations for a life full of inspiration and mutual enrichment, stemming from abundance and joy of existence:
Learn to identify all there is around you, close and accessible, cherish it, and have reciprocal relations with it that allow you to grow, be empowered, and emanate from all this prosperity towards new steps of evolvement.
Agree to observe yourselves with honesty, identify whether you hold a personal experience of smallness and lack of worthiness, and embark on a journey of reconciliation and healing that allows you to establish new relations with yourselves that hold an ability to recognize your beauty and uniqueness, and thus enhance your self-value and self-love, with a relaxed simplicity that holds acceptance and openness towards both yourselves and the world.
In this process, make sure you do not project your experience of smallness onto others, thus belittling and diminishing them.
Live your lives with an open heart that holds appreciation, gratitude, and exhilaration for all you have, and commit not to get accustomed to anything, by remembering that getting used to things creates disrespect and contempt that might take the brightest and richest colors and turn them greyish and blurry.
Remember that getting accustomed to things is the psyche’s way to diminish the value of what you have in your lives, in order to push you to achieve more and more – and I say that it is possible to advance in life and achieve also without contempt, disrespect, or diminishing what exists.
Express a willingness to shift from motivating yourselves by a lack of satisfaction and negativity towards motivating yourselves by gratitude, satisfaction, and exhilaration from all there is.
Be attentive and cherish both big and small things that exist in your lives, and thus establish an ability to renew, when all the new in your life emanate from all that already exists.
Yours with love