Introduction – Fulfilling Your Potential
This week, I received a message from a student asking me a question about certain topics, which I’ve decided to write to you about.
I’ll start by presenting the message to you because it struck a chord with me and poses a very important question, whose resolution could benefit many.
“Dear Louharya,
I’ve listened to one of your meditated frequency activations, “Empowering Positivity and Hope.”
Wow! It is so intense.
I emerged from the other side like an eager sprout seeking to develop and fulfill its full potential. This experience was a peak moment for me and made me very happy.
I’ve begun growing curious about you: I remember you talked in the past about the redundant attention that people give their lacking self, which is constantly corresponding with their sense of self-worth: ‘Will they love who or what am I, or not?’
I wanted to ask you how you’ve trained your psyche to be present in this world, even in the face of opposition to whom and what you are expressing?
I will add that every time I write you a question, the answer is already coming.”
When I read the question, I smiled to myself because a day earlier, I’ve sat with the leading teams I work with and discussed with them those exact issues, and more specifically, about the ability to be fully present as much as you can.
How can you focus your attention on what’s important?
How do you fulfill your personal potential, without diverting resources to the need to receive feedback and reassurance that you are loved and good?
How can you avoid wasting energy on self-positioning and endlessly trying to please others’ expectations?
How can you stay in a simple, radiant, and laid-back presence that is powerful, and allows you to express yourselves in the best way?
How to set achievements and create development without drowning in the whirlpool of competing to put yourself first, struggling over resources, and always trying to prove yourself, chasing after status, a sense of worth or belonging?
How can you focus on the important things, express creativity and productiveness, manage yourselves with joy and well-being and just enjoy the ride?
Well, it starts with changing your mindset to the realization of who we really are…
Who We Really Are? The Puppet and the True Self.
The ability to be fully present and focus on the important things relies on changing the self’s perspective.
Changing the perspective allows you to distinguish between what is important and what isn’t and to identify who is the true self and who is the tool that is destined to support your true self.
So, let’s begin with a moment of consciousness: who is the human self?
The corporeal self of us all is just a tool whose purpose is to serve us in what we came to do here. The body, mind, feelings, thoughts, desires, passions, talents, dreams, senses – all these and more, are tools meant to serve something much wider, which is our abstract self – the soul.
The soul is an intelligent transcendental being, which is abstract and bodyless.
In order to express itself in the physical world, the soul needs an expression tool so it creates the human self in the process of imaging.
What is imaging?
The term comes from the optic world, and it describes the transfer of information from an abstract form (light) to a visual form, just like a camera does (by the way, there’s an optical imaging sensor in every camera that knows how to translate light into an image. The same goes to the human eye).
Meaning, the entire world we live in, including the body and mind, is actually a kind of hologram in which we live, experience, develop, and grow.
The thing is that it’s possible to be inside a hologram and know we’re inside a hologram, and it’s also possible to live inside the hologram and completely forget that our true selves exist outside the hologram.
The soul is out of this world. By using the imaging process, the soul is creating a projection of information that’ creates here on earth, the entire genetic sequence of who we are – and gives us an image: a body form of flesh and blood and a visual, and unique physical representation, which is our human self.
All we know as our “self” is actually an “imaging”, “a holographic projection” of our abstract self (the soul) into a body and mind that are meant to allow us to manifest here, in the physical world.
This is the “puppet” that we operate, experience, and express ourselves through it. Without us, it does not exist.
The “puppet” is not really important since it’s only a means to an end. Yet, at the same time, it is very important since it determines the quality of our performance on earth (which means that we need to understand it well and know how to operate it).
This is a shift in perspective that dissipates a glass ceiling most people have, regarding who they are, what they’re doing in this world, and even what is the purpose of their personal existence.
After we’ve created this observation, you’ll need to adopt a simple premise that might confuse your mind, but it is a result of the ’distinction between your abstract selves to the body and mind.
The premise says that: I am not important and at the same time, I am the most important. 😊
This premise holds an understanding that the body and mind are just a tool that allows a person to be embodied and express themselves in the physical world.
The tool is just a tool, which is why it is not of main importance, it’s not the center, and it’s not the most important. Yet, simultaneously, it is a means that heavily affects the way we manage ourselves, fulfill ourselves, and express ourselves daily and in our course of life. This is why it is simultaneously really important and it is required to develop it and learn how to operate it in the best way.
The ability to understand this complexity creates a very simple life that is free of internal struggles since it allows you to remember that the psyche and body, which often create challenges and difficulties, are merely tools whereas your self is a lot more than the body and mind.
The true self is an abstract, intelligent, transcendent, and eternal inner space, full of grace, power, love, and a broad spectrum that is always available to you because this self with all its attributes – is who you really are.
The distinction between the true self and the tool simplifies the distinction between the important things and the unimportant issues, since it provides daily challenges with the context in which they exist and reminds us all the time why we do what we do and what is the purpose of our existence.
This changes the way we do things and gives them a different meaning than the common ones because when you understand who you really are, this has an applicable meaning that influences the entire way you manage yourselves and your lives.
Just to clarify, I’ll give you a few examples that will help you understand the applicable meaning of this understanding.
There is a difference between going to the gym to sculpt the body to perfection because only then will people like you and you’ll feel valued and fit the cultural norms that dictate a beauty standard, and between going to the gym because you want to keep your body strong, flexible and healthy for the long term, so it will serve yourself and help you realize yourself, by backing you up with vitality, strength, and health.
Or, there is a difference between reaching excellency in something just to prove to someone you’re good or worthy, or winning a competition and then feeling valued since you’ve beaten someone else, to reaching excellency in something because you want to improve your skills, enlighten yourselves and express yourselves in a certain field that gives you happiness, satisfaction, a sense of interest and value providing you with a sense of inner fullness because of the development you’ve accomplished that’s not related to anyone else on the outside.
Or, there is a difference between gaining an understanding of your psyche, developing your awareness and consciousness, acquiring tools for mental well-being, and managing your thoughts, feelings, desires, and actions out of a desire to orchestrate the psyche into a vessel of expression for your realization, and taking care of your psyche out of distress, difficulty, and a desire to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling without understanding the reasons, and without learning how to change it or affect the psyche and manage it with awareness and strength.
There are a lot more examples, but let’s go back to the idea of who is the self and how we define who we are.
The Absolute Self, Being Swallowed Inside the Puppet
Most people are completely identified with their human self, in a way that doesn’t allow them to look at themselves from the outside, from a higher perspective, and realize that they are essentially operating a “puppet” and projecting their inner world on the reality that’s outside.
Many don’t realize that they are the ones who can influence the way they experience themselves, the world, their relationships, and their self-fulfillment.
As a result, most people’s attention is constantly directed towards the outside, in an effort to receive from the outside sense of fullness and satisfaction, approvals and reassurance that they are valued, loved, equal, belong, and more.
Furthermore, most identify with their humanity as an absolute self that defines them and do not know how to distinguish between the refined self that’s connected to the soul, which is outside the hologram, and between the “puppet” – the body and psyche that are a vessel of expression of the soul.
The complete identification with the body, the psyche, and the human image as such that define an absolute self leads to constant preoccupation in an attempt to get external feedback that will validate the self-worth according to the prevailing norms. This leads to a vicious circle of focusing on and dealing with tasteless things in order to satisfy the human self.
Am I beautiful? Am I smart? Am I delivering the goods and meeting the expectations of others? Am I successful? Am I important to others? Am I valuable and meaningful to others?
The premise that makes a clear distinction between the transcendental and abstract self to the “puppet” – the body and mind, puts everything into new proportions that allow limiting the ego that tends to serve the “puppet”. Meaning to try to create fullness from the outside instead of opening the inner treasure chest and connecting to the refined self.
The ego serves the “puppet” while in fact, its true purpose is to connect the abstract and transcendental self to the body and mind, and allow them to work as an integrative ensemble in service of the optimal self-realization.
Usually, the ego evokes in a person a conception of deficiency and inner emptiness that stem from disconnection from the meaning of the personal existence and from the acknowledgment of the ability to create fulfillment, influence, and realization from within. This leads to a constant attempt to receive fulfillment from the outside, prove that they are worthy and valuable, want to please others in order to receive love and recognition from them, engage in self-flagellation in order to push for success and achievements, be judgmental, and many times wanting to be someone else who fits the accepted social norms of beauty, value, and status, which all come from the outside.
We are much more than our bodies and mind. We are much more than what we conceive with our senses.
Within the body and mind exists a pure self that is a wise and eternal being that uses its physical form to express itself. This abstract form asks to shape reality and influence it using the body, psyche, senses, desires, thoughts, feelings, and actions.
This being that is described is who you are, and you’re very important, beautiful, and unique.
So, if we’re really important, it’s important to treat the body and mind with the same level of importance since it is our fulfillment and expression tool. It’s not good nor is it bad, it’s not beautiful or ugly, it’s not worthy or unworthy, belonging or not, valuable or worthless – it is just a tool that we can improve and design according to our inner strength and through learning to listen to who we really are and to what we really want, and by developing an ability to identify the voice of our authentic and unique self.
If the body and mind are a tool, then they are not the main thing, and they don’t define self-worth, but they are means for the self, which require our ’attention in order to turn it into a proficient tool that supports self-expression.
This changes the attitude towards the body, liberating them from the need to conform to outside norms and instead listen to the inner distinctive voice.
It inspires us to commit to turning this tool of the body and mind into the best tool that supports expression and self-fulfillment and prevents situations where the puppet rises against its creator.
The Beggar And The Treasure Chest
From my point of view, many people behave like beggars who are busy trying to get attention, love, and acknowledgment from others when, in reality, they have a treasure chest within them that they only need to acknowledge and then open.
The treasure chest is the abstract self – the transcendental, that’s beyond the body, mind, images, and norms that are accepted in our world.
This self is not interested in brands, beauty treatments, medals, acknowledgment, wins, or failures – it holds self-worthiness that’s not dependent on external approval or fulfillment. This is a pure, stable self-value that knows who it is and can always grow, develop and expand beyond its known boundaries.
This self knows that the body, mind, human skills, and physical skills are all tools in its reach in order to fulfill its development, and therefore does not judge these tools or define itself through them, but only develops and nurtures them in order to establish more and more virtuosity, clarity and creativity in order to self-fulfill itself.
Inner Peace
The distinction between the abstract and transcendental self to the body and psyche as its expression tool, allows us to merge between the recognition that we are very important, eternal, and powerful to the recognition that we are not really important, transient, and corporeal.
This allows us to take everything in proportion yet at the same time, not to be light-headed, but to do the best we can do at any given time, and not to be afraid of failures, pain, or hurt. Instead, it allows us to dare, try, act with virtuosity, and mainly to free the ties of the need to feel valued or worthy because we know that we already are.
This recognition cancels out the sense of self-importance and allows us to simplify our attitude towards ourselves because it frees us from role-playing games that involve a constant struggle for resources in an attempt to prove that we are important.
This recognition frees us from the competition and the need to of showing the world we are good and valuable and allows us to ease into a laid-back space that is authentic.
It connects us to focus on what really matters and thus utilizes our resources wisely, in a manner that does not waste energy on the wrong things, in a futile effort to fight who we are or be someone else, but rather focuses us in constant aspiration to grow and develop, to strengthen and empower others, to give and receive.
The recognition that our pure, abstract, and transcendental self, is a lot more than the tool of our body and mind, allows us to begin, and focus on the main important thing which is the self-development here, on this earth, and encourages us to do so together, out of cooperation, inspiration, mutual fertilization, and solidarity.
This also evokes a lot of hope and gives us strength, because it allows us to treat the body and mind as a tool that is not absolute and final but is influenceable and can be shaped according to the will and heart’ desire of the self, and to do so out of an understanding that everything is part of one whole being that mediates between spirit and body, and connects a soul to a human.
By this, dealing with our body and mind turns into a proactive involvement that is focused on the major important things.
Focusing on the Main Thing
So, what’s really important?
Nourishing the psyche, training it, learning to understand its powers and how it works, and managing it wisely without identification or ambiguity.
Improving self-awareness, expanding the consciousness, and keeping it open and developing on a constant basis.
To train the body and keep it healthy and active, eat in a healthy and nourishing way, sleep well, dress nicely and in a way that expresses us in the most relaxed and creative way, listen to music that inspires us, invest in hobbies that enrich and empower us, go out to nature, take moments of relaxation and more.
Nurture healthy and strengthening relationships that create living bonds of love and affection, friendship and inspiration, mutual assistance and enrichment, shared growth, and development.
And on a Personal Note
If we go back to the question that started it all what gives me the strength to be fully present in this world and to continue doing what I’m doing with perseverance even if many times it means going against the norms and against what’s conventional?
Exactly everything that I have written to you here.
I refer to my human self as an imaging, physical imagery – a vessel into which I pour who I am, in order to express what I want to convey and manifest in my physical existence here on earth.
The psyche, the body, and the physicality are not the essence, they are my human image that is the means I am committed to nurturing and developing on a daily basis so that it will serve me in the best way.
The body and mind are means of expression that I cherish, respect, and appreciate. This is why I treat them impersonally, shaping them according to my desire to express myself, and allow my human self to feel, to love, to hurt, to be happy, to be sad, to stretch and contract, to expand and shrink, to soar and ground, to be close and to distance, to express and to keep quiet, to lead and be led – all in loyalty to my transcendental self and my vision.
I treat my body, mind, and humanity as a tool of expression that allows me to pour into the physical world ideas and thoughts, knowledge, tools, and actions that reflect what I believe in.
I refer to myself as a dynamic being, neither absolute nor permanent, residing here on earth with the recognition that what I give attention to and focus on intensifies and grows, and what’s really important is to use the body, the psyche, the desires, the thoughts, the emotions, and the actions as means by which I shape reality.
Thank you readers, listeners, thinkers, and responders who hold my hand, and assist me to turn these ideas into a path that can be walked on in order to fulfill the self in a harmonious and optimal manner.