In this post, I would like to talk to you about control through fear and how you can identify it and break free from it.
Many times, in the world we live in, intimidation and fear are used to blur clear and independent thinking, enhance survival experience, manipulate consciousness, and create dependence on an external factor. Thus, gaining control over people and the ability to manipulate them.
The fear and the experience of survival that accompanies it weakens the person, impairs their cognitive ability, their immune system, and undermines the psyche.
In this way, the person becomes easy to shape and control and can be manipulated into the desired behavior.
How does the mechanism of control through fear works?
The mechanism is simple and has several steps:
1. Creating, intentionally and proactively, a drama that evokes an experience of fear
2. Connecting drama to a narrative – planting in the human consciousness a story that shapes perception and consciousness, creates a limiting belief system, and enhances the survival experience
3. Bringing a “solution” to the drama and story – which is seemingly meant to release from the experience of fear
4. Empowerment of a character who is presented as a savior and hero, and provides the answer and solution to fear, thus giving a sense of security and by this discharging the individual from an experience of personal power and transferring power to this external character
Many times the way to evoke fear, in order to control and maneuver others, relies on encouraging perceptions that serve and reinforce the fear.
The control mechanisms through fear can be expressed both on the individual level and on the collective level
Gaining control through fear is common in negative and disharmonious relationships at home, and in the workplace
Control through fear takes place in populist regimes that use fear to divide and govern, navigate public opinion, and thereby shape reality.
How to cope?
When you are aware of how the control through fear is created, you can begin to identify these mechanisms within your life and neutralize them.
When you have identified them:
1. Do not cooperate with the drama
Be careful not to get carried away with dramas even if they seem real to you.
Getting carried away in drama will flood you emotionally, arouse polarized emotions within you and undermine your ability to think clearly with a clear perspective.
2. When you recognize that someone is creating and enhances the drama, and then brings a “solution” – try to observe and understand:
Who triggers the drama
What is the story that the drama tells and what worldview does it shape?
3. Ask yourself:
Does the solution offered to you empowers or weakens you?
Does the solution that is handed out to you force you to give up your values and desires or does it respect and give them space?
Is the solution separating and conflicting or connecting and unifying?
In addition:
Be sure to cultivate and empower everything that exists within you (in your psyche) and outside of you (in your environment) and gives you an experience of power, existential confidence, a broad perspective, and intellectual independence
Learn to identify the use of language that reinforces fear, survival and separation and stay away from those who use language in this way
Be open to being inspired and get new ideas, out of curiosity and mental flexibility that allows you to get out of the box and look at things from a higher perspective, neutralizing the drama
Open your original and creative thinking, which enhances a sense of competence and encourages positive initiative
Adopt the premise that you are powerful and able to face challenges that are coming your way