The bias of the political left and right and the principle of Active Validity with an Enlightened Heart
The world we live in is unstable. Global movements rock human society, and we observe how divisiveness, radicalization, and unrest, resulting from increasing polarization, can lead to a dangerous downward spiral.
The tectonic plates of the global political map are moving and reshaping the world. It is happening because there is no stabilizing axis that helps balance the global event horizon and that compensates for the increased polarization, in which, ironically, the extreme left is unaware that it supports the extreme right. These forces nourish each other and amplify the chaos and the ongoing erosion process in democratic countries.
This trend reflects a bias in human awareness in which the political left and right, which were supposed to balance each other, have been perverted and distorted in a way that encourages more and more extreme events.
In this way, both the right and the left are radicalized, creating a situation where each camp’s fringes set the tone. The right is becoming increasingly extreme, nationalistic, fanatical, and inciting of violence and hatred. On the other hand, the left, which purports to be enlightened, inclusive, and a “defender of the weak”, detaches itself from the values it is allegedly supposed to represent and instead supports trends that contradict democratic and liberal values.
I have spoken over the years about the distortion of the political poles in the various seminars I have held. I brought up the solution to this phenomenon when I talked about the universal cosmic principle that I call ” Active Validity with an Enlightened Heart “. According to this principle, it is possible, on the one hand, to express validity and strength against unethical and anti-democratic forces while on the other hand to strive for the truth that lies above one political agenda or another and represents universal values.
The principle of ” Active Validity with an Enlightened Heart ” is now more essential than ever.
Using democratic tools to undermine democracy
We live in a world where radical, anti-democratic, and inhumane forces are using PC (politically correct) culture and identity politics to bolster their goals.
An example is radical Islamic organizations such as Hamas, which mobilize global public opinion to support human rights and freedom for the minority they claim to represent. While in practice, the agenda of Hamas, and the freedom it calls for, is the freedom to express radical, violent, cruel, and oppressive Islamist ideas, which are the exact opposite of human rights and freedom.
These radical Islamic groups act as a wolf in sheep’s clothing, encouraging the progressive left to support them as they raise the banner of decolonization and the liberation of Palestine – ostensibly to return control to the Palestinian people, while in fact, their real goal is to strengthen the control of radical Islamic organizations.
Colonialism is not just the physical conquest of land. There is also religious colonialism, such as immigrants forming Islamist and anti-democratic enclaves within the places to which they have migrated. And economic colonialism, which creates economic dependence on a protectorate state, such as China has done with its economic entry into many countries and the dependence it has created as the producer of the world.
When those who purport to protect human beings and human rights support such organizations and give them a seal of approval, assistance and resources, they hand these over to those who act contrary to what they support and believe in. They do so because they do not recognize that they are becoming the devil’s advocate and are being manipulated and recruited for a purpose other than their own.
This phenomenon characterizes many left-wing voices around the world, who do not recognize that the complexity of reality, and their “left” thinking, which tries to be balanced and humane, causes them a “mental collapse” and the inability to hold a clear reality check, in which there are well-defined criteria for “good” and “evil”.
In contrast to the violent and crude populist right – the skewed and distorted left is usually more challenging to identify because it is pretentious, believes that it operates with enlightenment and goodwill, and is also afraid to express a stance so as not to lose its legitimacy.
Complex thinking and the principle of the “Probabilistic, Harmonious, Dynamic Generator”
To see things as they are, identifying the various trends through the deception and propaganda layers requires intelligent thinking, which recognizes the complexity of reality and its lack of dichotomies.
Identifying trends with impartial clarity takes courage and the ability not to become attached to a “left” or “right” way of thinking or to a left or right-wing agenda through which self-identity is defined.
Many people adopt a narrative based on the identity to which they are aligned, without checking the facts or creating thinking that involves “reverse-engineering”, whereby they look through the range of results and the scope of reasons that led to them.
Creating such a process requires honesty, a total absence of identification with an agenda, and the ability to isolate verified data in a jumble of disinformation. It is the ability to determine choices, results, and consequences and get to the bottom of things.
However, it requires investment, depth, and diligence, and more often it is much easier to adopt a narrative without checking its authenticity just because it fits well with a personal agenda and image.
This can be observed in the many people who demonstrate for a certain narrative they have adopted, but do not really know the history, details or cause in whose name they are taking to the streets.
In this video of Joseph Haddad, one can clearly see how someone identified with a specific narrative cannot justify it conceptually because she is simply unfamiliar with its history.

There is a human tendency to create a symbiotic connection between the political camp one supports and the self-identity one adopts. Disillusionment with the illusion of “sides” is therefore painful. It is painful, but it also pays off as it is an opening for self-healing and a window of opportunity to a new reality.
To truly influence and shape reality, we must be able to move flexibly between the two approaches of “left” and “right,” thus creating a stable, flexible, and dynamic backbone, able to look at reality from different approaches and perspectives and each time choose the appropriate mode of action for that moment and that situation.
It is an action according to a principle that I call the Probabilistic, Harmonious, Dynamic Generator, which I have been teaching since 2007, in an attempt to help people navigate their way safely into the 21st century.
This principle expresses the ability to act dynamically and flexibly in the face of the extreme events in our world without being attached to rigid and arbitrary ideas or modes of action. This enables taking actions that are harmonious towards a universal truth, to which everyone is indisputably committed.
Acting according to this principle, makes it possible to look at events with a sharp and unbiased eye and create an analysis free of a left or right agenda or one political interest or another. It is a clear stance, faithful to universal values, approaching events in a probabilistic, harmonious, and dynamic way, by responding at any given time to what is required in that moment.
Taking this to the issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the left’s attachment to the Palestinian struggle tends to see a flat and one-dimensional picture of reality, a picture of a just struggle for freedom, liberation, and human rights for a weakened minority.
The flattening of the image and the one-dimensional view create a blind spot in the left perspective of the map. The left, which purports to be enlightened and to stand by every person as a person, does not recognize the failures that exist in the nationalist agenda of the Palestinian “freedom fighters” with which it identifies. It is an agenda of indiscriminate terrorism, violation of the rights of women, LGBTQ people, and anyone who is not a religious Muslim male.
This agenda exists alongside the desire to destroy Israel and eliminate its existence as a home for Jews or Israelis of different religions, who are connected to Israel and see it as their home.
Thus, the left unwittingly suffers from a clear preference for one side. In the name of freedom and justice, it creates oppression, discrimination, and support for the anti-democratic forces that have nothing to do with freedom. It can be observed, for example, in a post raised by environmental activist Greta Thunberg, in which the main narrative is “Stand with Gaza”, without any statement denouncing the acts of terror that led to this round of war and the innocent people (including peace and environmental activists) who were brutally murdered.
The paradox of the immigrant colonialist
The adherence and clear preference of the left to the Palestinian side is an example of the moral price of identity politics, which purports to uphold the principles of equality, diversity, and concern for the weak, while in practice blurs the ability to cultivate an enlightened human society, which aspires to establish a universal set of values as a base on which the various streams in society exist.
Identity politics has created a system of laws that defines what is appropriate for an “enlightened” person to think about another person, what is permissible to say, and the boundaries of the discourse. In this way, it inhibits the ability to create a clear and unbiased analysis of people and cultures.
Along these lines, it is impossible to create an evaluation and an observation of a person, a culture, an idea, or an act. A one-dimensional picture is adopted, according to which the enlightened act is attributed to the person defined as a “minority,” “weak,” or a “victim” – even if they express unenlightened and unfair positions, and commit immoral actions.
The price of identity politics can be seen in the challenges facing European countries, which absorbed millions of immigrants out of goodwill based on a liberal and humane worldview. At the same time, out of a desire to allow freedom of expression and representation of all the different opinions and shades, along with a fear of being perceived as “racist” or condescending – they did not make sure that these immigrants would assimilate the liberal social values of these countries.
Consequently, it led to a strange situation called “reverse colonialism,” where waves of immigration pushed back social and cultural progress due to the bringing of individuals representing repressive, fundamentalist, and conservative societies into more modern, liberal, and democratic European communities. This situation has created enclaves and a seepage of ideas that essentially contradict the spirit of democracy and its values.
Thus, the aspiration for political correctness and the need to contain the minority and its identity at any cost has created a situation where instead of educating and coordinating the immigrant population to the advanced set of values that European societies have managed to create and develop over the years, and instead of allowing immigrants to grow, develop, learn and integrate harmoniously, while setting a clear ethical boundary for conduct in society – dark opinions, and harmful customs that erode the democratic fabric of European countries are given a platform and legitimacy.
In practice, even if it may sound “politically incorrect” to you, different cultures and societies have different, higher or lower levels of consciousness.
A society in which women and LGBTQ people do not have equal rights is a less developed society than a liberal society in which every person has equal rights. A society that is ignorant and operates by prioritizing people based on religion, gender, race, or skin color is less advanced than a society with no discrimination based on religion, race, and gender.
For many, identity politics is stronger than the ability to gauge a person’s actions and motives on their own merits regardless of identity, and instead based on a universal set of values of human dignity, equality, and the right of every person to live in freedom. The lack of a clear and distinctive set of values has caused the global left to lose its moral compass and reality check to the point of being unable to distinguish between freedom fighters and murderous terrorists.

There is another thought-provoking aspect here that I think is also very sad: The left-wing political agenda has gradually eliminated our most significant power as human beings – the power of empathy, thereby creating an arbitrariness in which there is an emotional disconnection.
It is an aspect of human alienation, in which there is no simple empathy for the distress and suffering of people, but rather an endorsement of their exclusion from the discourse just because they are positioned on the side that is not in agreement with some political opinion. They do not belong to the “correct camp,” so their suffering and loss are meaningless.
It is a painful aspect of cancel-culture that distances us from our humanity and erases people, nations, and countries dichotomously and arbitrarily.
In this way, with its “enlightened, inclusive and progressive” narrative, the decisive left-wing political opinion blocks the heart from feeling simple human empathy towards people’s suffering. So, instead of empathy, there remains only a thundering silence, or in worse cases, a gloating towards atrocities, which words cannot even describe.
About cancel culture and complex thinking
Cancel culture, which is rampant across social media, has not skipped the world’s attitude towards Israel.
In today’s reality, Israel is required to thoroughly consider its conduct in the West Bank and Gaza, the occupation, and the absence of a social and political vision, which reflects a loss of way. However, this is conduct for which Israel has undergone cancellation and boycott and which has caused many to ignore its existential need to defend itself against aggression.
Cancel culture did not skip the social reality inside Israel, in which the Israeli left weakened and gradually shrank because it was cancelled and boycotted by the extreme right and by a populist, corrupt prime minister who eliminated the left, and created dehumanization and delegitimization of it, almost to the point of a civil war.
When we follow the reverse engineering of choices, results, and consequences, it is impossible to ignore the history of the State of Israel and the challenges that have faced its left-wing camp.
Since the dawn of its existence, the State of Israel has been forced to defend itself against enemy states and terrorist organizations, which did not respect the UN decision to establish the State of Israel and, in fact to this day, do not recognize it and seek to destroy it. Life under a constant existential threat shapes a frightened, haunted, and threatened public consciousness, turning the Israeli public into a suspicious public, which has learned that it has no choice but to rely on its military power and defend its borders by force.
Nevertheless, the peace agreement with Egypt (which cut off Gaza as a means of getting rid of a troublesome problem) and with Jordan, and recently also the agreements with the Gulf states, proved that the Israelis, despite the existential threat and the bloody history and persecution, preferred hope and reaching out to other countries.
The history of relations between Israel and the Palestinians is full of ups and downs, tragedies, and unfortunate mutual choices influenced by both sides’ history and narratives in the conflict. But it is impossible to ignore that the Israeli left, despite great concern among the Israeli public and in the absence of broad agreement, tried with all its might to promote a solution to the Palestinian issue through the Oslo Accords – and suffered a critical blow.
The outreached hand of Israel for peace won only a murderous wave of terror attacks, the blowing up of buses and the harming of many innocent civilians, by those same Islamic terrorist organizations, by those Hamas murderous terrorists, who sought to stop the peace process and the agreements signed between the PLO and Israel. In this way, the terrorist organizations acted just as they did today, in clear contrast to the interests of the Palestinian people and their desire to be free.
The damage to the Oslo Accords, caused by failed leadership on both sides and the more extreme and violent terror in the following years, created a breakdown in the Israeli left-wing camp and even its demise. On the other hand, the right became more radical and more influential in determining policy regarding the Palestinian issue. This space was entered, on both sides, by more extremist and fanatic religious elements that set the tone for the reality we are witnessing today.
The Self-Degeneration of the Left Circles in Israel and the World
In the past, I wrote about how taking a stand is a spiritual act of the highest order. What I meant is that people who see themselves as a conscious, social, and spiritual elite must take a stand and not sit on the fence or remain silent when events contradict the values they purport to represent.
A clear and impartial position becomes possible when a person can visualize complex thinking. Thinking that recognizes that reality is layered and not unequivocal or absolute. From this perspective, a person maintains a resilient consciousness – which can filter information and navigate self-consciousness through the mix of information, fake news, fictional realities distributed on social networks, and consciousness engineering.
Complex thinking is characterized by distinguishing between “good” and “bad” and marking them based on an internal clarification, according to an unbiased moral compass. In this way, the person does not follow PC culture and identity politics, which direct him to take a position towards what is considered “right”, “correct,” and popular at any given moment or among the group or political stream with which he is identified.
It is shocking to see that the cruel, brutal, and chilling massacre that took place in the south of Israel by Hamas, which is a fundamentalist, religious terrorist organization, did not lead to the taking of a moral, unequivocal, sweeping and unambiguous stand among left-wing circles around the world.
At best, these left-wing circles remained silent or “neutral” and, at worst, continued to support Hamas and its activities as part of their agenda of supporting organizations that purportedly call for the liberation of Palestine.

It was charged with an even sadder meaning because the distinct left, which remained in Israel, has continued for years, even as an unpopular minority, to take action against the occupation in the rebuke of the extreme right and in the support of human rights. The left has done so within an Israeli society subjected to the brainwashing of an extreme and corrupt government, which adopts the practice of divide and conquer and creates delegitimization and dehumanization of everything representing a leftist approach.
In the face of the massacre in Gaza, the launching of missiles into Israel, and the desire of Hamas to destroy it – the global left failed to notice the same nationalist religious extremism, which it has been steadily fighting against for years, when it was expressed by those the left swore to protect as a minority.
Another chilling fact that touches me deeply is the fact that among the abducted and killed Israelis, there are people who represent an inspiring elite: A peace and human rights activist who engaged in humanitarian assistance to the people in Gaza; a peace activist within Israel; an entrepreneur who was involved in innovative work for food security in third-world countries; members of the kibbutz movement who represent peace-seeking communities of cooperation; and young people who were slaughtered at the nature party and who were part of a global tribe of peace-loving people who share unity and universal love.

The big transition is already here – an era of technology that needs to be prepared for
I write from different angles about the great transition period we are in the midst of. A period that defines the future of humanity and will determine whether we prevail or cease to exist.
In the seminar “The Future is Already Here”, I spoke about the fact that the fundamental dangers posed by the technological acceleration in which we find ourselves are not the technology per se, but rather the human culture that has failed to adapt itself to this technology and to develop and implement a set of values that corresponds to the advanced technological ability, and also restricts its use.
The post-truth era, in which we are unfortunately in, is about much more than “fake news.” It is an era in which humanity fails to navigate and lead itself because it uses technological tools for creating and shaping worlds and places them in the hands of people who do not have the appropriate consciousness and the set of values corresponding to the fifth dimension.
The fifth dimension lies beyond the three-dimensional physical world and beyond the fourth dimension, represented by linear time, in which processes develop in gradual moderation. It is a digital-virtual-holographic fifth dimension in which “thought creates reality” for better or worse.
This dimension exists in the expanses of the Internet, the world of social networks, and the cyber-world. It is a dimension in which connectivity and immediacy prevail so that information is quickly and exponentially distributed and spread like wildfire through a network of connections. The transmitted information shapes reality according to the state of consciousness of the one who presses the button or the computer keyboard, activates the sequence, and turns thoughts and ideas into a viable reality in a sequence that can lead to heaven or hell.
From my point of view, the 21st century is already here, and with it, the fifth dimension—and we are not prepared for it.
In the era in which we live, what determines the ability to influence many people is the ability to tell an attractive story, which is not necessarily accurate or faithful to reality. Those who know how to tell the story better will “conquer reality” and receive a broader digital “market share” and a foothold in public opinion, even if the narrative they present is far from the facts.
Thereby, the factual truth loses its importance, and the one who determines what is truth, what is a lie, and what is more or less accurate is the one who knows how to form the narrative in a convincing, juicy, and bold manner.
Whoever possesses the power to shape and create realities is the one who knows how to make use of the human psyche and the cognitive and emotional biases that are built into it, and thus shape a reality that swallows into it vast public followers — up to the point of denial of the truth and the following of whole communities after delusional worlds — while supporting and encouraging trends that are destructive to the entire world and the future of humanity.
Regulation in the service of transformation
Due to the blindness of consciousness, loss of moral direction and values, and alienation between the various streams of the human family and between them and planet Earth, a potent mechanism of destruction that we as a civilization have created leads humanity down a path of self-destruction.
This powerfully illustrates how much a human elite is needed: An elite that maintains mental and spiritual resilience, knows the new rules of the game and the necessary values and works clearly and persistently to give people the tools to identify cause-and-effect, and the respective consequences.
In addition, regulatory processes are required to create a moral and constitutional infrastructure for coping with the challenges of the 21st century and the opportunities inherent in it. They are required mainly to compartmentalize access to advanced technologies so that people who do not have the appropriate moral and mental basis will not be able to use them to spread destructive ideas and create imaginary worlds – worlds that cloud the reality perception of the general and unskilled public, which then finds it difficult to identify what is actual reality and what is fake and fictional reality.
The reality has changed quickly before our eyes, and today, in the digital age, much of the control of the creation and dissemination of information is in the hands of corporations, for whom the welfare of the public and the service of the truth is not necessarily a priority. These are institutions whose entire purpose is to maximize profits, and they fight for the resources of attention, human opinion, consumption, and ratings.
In doing so, the information they disseminate or provide a stage to is not subject to any control, verification, data review, or principles of ethics. The information transmitted is often distorted, polarized, inciteful, and harmful, tending toward speculations with no basis behind them, and attracting the masses.
To illustrate how serious this is, imagine a real-life situation in which there is no regulation of the drainage of sewage and wastewater nor supervision of industrial enterprises that can pollute the air, soil, and rivers as they wish. Would our water remain drinkable in such an unsupervised reality, or would the water sources gradually become polluted? Would our air remain breathable, or would we gradually breathe in more and more soot and hazardous materials? Unfortunately, we already know the answer to this.
But what happens when there is no regulation of the “pipelines” that pour information toward us, feed us with information, and mediate reality for us? What happens when these pipes gradually become polluted, distorted, and partial, and when deceptive information begins to be fed through them? In the absence of regulation, what protects the human mind from contamination?
If regulatory supervision of the various media is proposed, too many people, both from the enlightened left and from the extreme right, will claim that such supervision violates freedom of expression and freedom of information privacy.
In my opinion, the solution to this dilemma must be holistic and long-term and requires new thinking that examines from the ground up what made the media what it is today- the economic system and the dependence on economic interests, which are not necessarily compatible with public interests.
In addition, it is necessary to educate the general public on how to conduct itself in the New World, while providing tools for reality checks and the assessment of reality and oneself. It is necessary to educate the public and equip it with cognitive and moral tools that will enable it to conduct itself within the new reality in a balanced manner.
In addition, a free and independent press is required, which does not depend on economic motives or other interests but on clear ethical obligations to serve the truth and the public. To do so, the public must recognize the importance of a free, clean, and unbiased press and support it.
Another aspect is the regulation of the social networks and media platforms themselves and the ability to establish clear criteria for their ability to act out of responsibility to the public and the community in which they exist in a manner that supports emotional and mental well-being. This regulation must clarify oversight mechanisms and corporate accountability for spreading false information, violence and racism on social media. It should also hold companies accountable for the current bias towards polarization that creates a negative echo chamber.

A complex image of reality is not popular
An example of the profound distortion that occurs on social networks and the information flowing through them can be seen in a message received by a friend of mine from her friend in Miami. He contacted her to reassure her that there were no Israelis killed or abducted and that all this is a conspiracy and “fake news” designed to justify “ethnic cleansing” in Gaza.
Try to convince such a person that you know the dead, the abducted, and their families who are in grief and terror. Try to explain to the so-called “enlightened” leftists that Hamas monsters handcuffed young children and shot them in the head; murdered teenagers who danced at a nature party and threw them into mass graves; beheaded women and children and burned them; dismembered a pregnant woman’s abdomen while she was still alive and then shot her and her fetus.
Is this what the left-wing supports? Is this indeed a war for freedom and liberation, or the unloading of burdens and the sowing of terror to eliminate the existence of a state intended to give refuge to persecuted people who suffered from pogroms, torture, inquisitions, deportation, and the Holocaust? Is this support for and this siding with murderous terrorism the “enlightenment ” of the left that purports to represent universal and progressive values?
Because of how complex reality is, we need to dig deeper, clarify, cross-check, and filter information. We must also put facts ahead of false dichotomous stories that make people take a populist stance out of mental and emotional laziness.
Standing by Israel does not contradict the need to fight Netanyahu’s government and the extreme right in Israel.
Steadfastness against the terror of Hamas does not contradict the need to help the suffering Palestinian people under their failed leadership.
The protest demonstrations in Israel, which lasted 40 weeks until the outbreak of the war, were a perfect example of the many parts of Israeli society that took a stand, fought tirelessly, with tremendous spiritual and mental strength for democracy, freedom, the rights of women and LGBTQ people, the separation of religion and state, for integrity and the removal of a corrupt, failed, selfish, egocentric, lying and dangerous prime minister.
These demonstrations inspired other European countries, where democracy is retreating under the auspices of the same populism and human ignorance, allowing the engineering of consciousness, and the manipulation of public opinion. These protests for democracy are the “beautiful Israeli-ness” that deserves overwhelming global support because it represents democratic values and is ready to take a stand to fulfil them with perseverance and determination against a greased system of corrupt politicians.
At the same time, is there an ugly, extremist, violent, and dark nationalist Israeli-ness? Sure, there is. The protest movement opposes it.
At the same time, is there also an ugly, extreme, nationalistic, violent, and dark “Palestine-ness”? Sure, there is. It is imperative to oppose it as well.
The above is the meaning of a complex reality.
It is also the meaning of the ability to apply complex thinking.
The automatic choice to support a particular side not according to conduct and actions but according to identity with a political stance or political correctness often leads to standing on the wrong side of shaping history.
When people who are unprepared and have a lower consciousness and limited thinking capacity look for the false representations that catalog an absolute and fixed reality in which there is “good” and “bad,” they become easy to manipulate. They are swallowed up in the fake worlds that issue false representations.
These people lack the education to acquire the essential tools needed to cope with the reality that the 21st century and the fifth dimension bring. In this way, they are swallowed up in a distorted reality, and gradually, without realizing it, they lose their freedom of choice and become manipulated and controlled by the rulers and shapers of the various realities.
Consequently, a retreat from the world of free choice occurs, where people are unaware that they are not free, but rather manipulated and controlled, even if they are allegedly enlightened, liberal, and freedom-loving.
The future of humanity: “to be or not to be”
The future of humanity is not found in radical Islam that oppresses people, women, and LGBTQ people and tramples on democratic values.
The future of humanity is not found in radical messianic ultra-nationalist Judaism, which also tramples on democratic values and oppresses those same populations.
The future of humanity is not found in conservative Christianity, which denies a woman’s right to her body through legislation that prevents abortions and the forced continuation of unwanted pregnancies.
The future of humanity does not lie in corrupt rulers who serve populism and exploit the world’s resources and human resources.
All these will eventually destroy humanity in a way that will not allow it to exist.
The future of humanity lies in democratic and universal values. Values that represent human and moral resilience, and provide clear criteria that enable examination of reality, and make sure that we give our power to those who represent such values regardless of identity.
The future of humanity lies in the ability to conduct conscious and intelligent interactions with the technologies that develop in giant steps while formulating a clear set of values that can lead us safely into the 21st century.
The future of humanity lies in the transition from alienation to connection, with simple empathy between people and the ability to honestly observe choices, results, and consequences, and to take responsibility for our future, recognizing that all of us are from the same source, part of a great network of living connections – the human family.